Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Phoenix

I have been quiet about this issue over the last few days.

Its the observation phase.

First, with the newspaper relegating any news about the agitation into the oblivion of 4th, 5th pages and then coming up with a headline that proclaimed the date the reservations would come into effect.. I thought that this round of protests was a mirror of what had happened before. People immolated themsleves and died and the reservations still happened.

However, the Supreme Court has stepped in. Yesterday it asked the government the basis on which it was adding the latest round of reservations.. and of course, it took serious view of the social implications of such a move- namely, dividing the country along caste line.

Three cheers to the awesome people who filed a PIL that was heard!
Some political parties have also suddenly started mouthing their support to the agitating students saying no to creamy layer and yes to economically backward layer.

The real kudos go to the students across the country- with the IITs and other prestigious unuversities joining in, the protests have gained momentum. I hope other students will join in too. Although I doubt a major contribution in terms of participation from the reservation heavy Southern states. They are too conditioned.

I am still observing.


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